- I really DO have self-restraint!
- I have a profound need to feel connected. When I feel disconnected, I cannot relax.
- In theory, Google+ is a better idea. a. The changes facebook made are good.
- There were only a few people I really missed "seeing" while on my vacation.
- I missed seeing the pictures everyone posts way more than I had expected.
- My children rely on my online presence to keep themselves connected.
- Once a person uses facebook for communicating, stopping is impossible. I had to check my facebook messages several times over the month (but I did not check a single status update EVER!).
- Unless it is being used for promotional purposes, twitter is useless.
- I did not really start to miss facebook until I had been away for about three weeks. I will remind myself of this if I ever start feeling like I "need" to check it 27 times per day.
- I don't need to be friends (in real life or online) with everyone I have ever met.
- The people who really needed to found a way of contacting me during my break. I was only gone for a month, so I imagine that if I left forever, a couple of other people might call me eventually....
- I have very complicated feelings about my own motherhood, parenthood and stay-at-home-motherhood specifically with or without reading other people's (artificial or sincere) status updates. The feelings of inadequacy, dissatisfaction, guilt and general confusion are still there.
- The feelings competition, however, are gone. My detox did fix that. I guess if I do not know what 306 people are doing, I cannot compete with them in my head.
- When I left, I had 305 friends and now I have 306. How did that happen?
- I did NOT MISS the political or religion-based statements from facebook ONE TEENY TINY LITTLE BIT. If I never learn about how ANY of my facebook friends feel about "The Issues," it would be TOO SOON.
Conclusion: I learned a lot about myself and how I can use social media so it does not consume me the way it used to. Social media is useful and fun, but addicting. Overconsumption is not healthy, and I am glad I took a break. I will probably do it again.